Our platform offers an average ROI from 5-10% per month depending on the plan. The ROI is calculated based on the performance of our diversified investment portfolio, which includes various high-yield ventures mainly on cryptocurrencies markets. Please note that returns can vary and are subject to market conditions.
The minimum investment amount is USD100. We do offer different investment tiers that provide additional benefits and potentially higher returns for larger investments. Our investment structure is designed to accommodate a wide range of investors.
The investment duration is from 6-12 months months depending on the plan, providing you with the opportunity to benefit from the growth of our investment strategies over a specific period. 
We prioritise the security of our investors' funds. Our platform incorporates state-of-the-art security measures, including data encryption, secure online platforms, and strict risk management protocols. We have a team of experienced professionals who closely monitor the market and make informed investment decisions to mitigate risks. While no investment is entirely risk-free, we strive to minimise potential risks and safeguard our clients' assets.